Author: Justin Christie

  • I get a call…

    Hehe, …I get a call back from him saying that he received the letter, …and he’s so sorry, …and says he still wants to be friends…. …ok, listen, I really don’t give a flying f#$k if you want to be friends with me. This is…

  • Can’t take it anymore…

    I sent him a letter in the mail saying that I’ve had enough, and I’ll take the car back from him without any further funding. He missed the May 2004 deadline long ago. We’ll see how fast he responds now…


    I called him, and he said that he got rid of the shop space because it was too expensive. Now all of the cars (including mine) have been moved to his personal home (that he just bought), and put in his garage. This is my…

  • Still no progress…

    I’ve called him, and he said he’s “working on it”. Bullsh!t to the MAX, …he hasn’t even touched it. I’ll call again next week.

  • Back in the game

    I’ve landed a new job as a Graphic Designer. Looks like it is good (better than last) paying job too. Everything is back on schedule. :)

  • Lost my job…

    I just lost my job. I’m wondering how this is going to effect the upgrades to the Fiero. We’ll have to wait and see…

  • Engine cradle, and the 3.4 litre

    Engine cradle, and the 3.4 litre

    I went up to the new shop that the owner rented out. Apparently it was used for a “grow-op” that was thwarted by the O.P.P. …wonderful. Weed and the Fiero don’t mix. Anyways, I got some more pictures of engine cradle and the 3.4 litre.…

  • Finally some clarity

    Finally got a phone call from the Hi-Tech owner saying that he has rented space from another shop in order to complete his projects. Not sure if this is a relief, …but he said I can come up to see the car in the next…

  • WTF! Hi-Tech development is no more?

    Ok, …I called the owner and he said that he sold Hi-Tech Development! What the F#@K is going on over there! Is my Fiero ever going to get done? Now that he’s sold the business, all the cars he has must move out of the…

  • Components get painted, and 4 speed Muncie arrives

    Components get painted, and 4 speed Muncie arrives

    Finally some more updates on the car. I’m getting fet-up with the lack of progress on it. They’ve missed their deadline by a month. I’m not happy because the summer is wasting away. Everyone else is driving their “hot-rod” and I’m stuck with my crappy…

  • Getting frustrated with Hi-Tech

    I’m getting impatient with Hi-Tech development. I have been going up to the shop almost every weekend, …and I’ll see no progress being made on the car. This was supposed to be done by the end of this month (May 2004) and I don’t see…

  • Rear springs and the 3.4 litre gets some TLC

    Rear springs and the 3.4 litre gets some TLC

    The rear springs have been sand-blasted and repainted a nice red colour. They really look nice in there. The 3.4 litre finally gets all of the exterior components off, all of the cylinders are cleaned and brushed, and new seals are installed. The injectors are…

  • Finshed front brakes, and 3.4L dismantle

    Finshed front brakes, and 3.4L dismantle

    Quick update, …the front brake calipers have been attached to the rotor/hub assembly and are lookin’ good. The 3.4 litre has been stripped of all upper components and is ready for cleaning.

  • Brake calipers and the 3.4L arrives!

    Brake calipers and the 3.4L arrives!

    The new calipers for the front and rear have been polished to a chrome shine. They look really nice. …but, the main part of this post is the one, …and only, …3.4 litre! It is here and ready for disassembly. The plan is to fully…

  • Beretta braking system, …new shocks

    Beretta braking system, …new shocks

    Here is the Beretta breaking system. Upgraded rotors in the front and rear. The fronts receive the Chev Beretta breaks, while the rears are replaced with stock-sized rotors that are cross drilled. The shocks are KYB and go in the rear. Take a look…

  • Starting to restore the Fiero

    Starting to restore the Fiero

    The beginning of restoration is at hand :) The engine bay has been sand blasted completely, and painted primer grey for the gold. The spots that where rotting in the rear section have been cut out completely, and built up with fiberglass. Everything is looking…

  • Little bit of rust…

    Little bit of rust…

    There seems to be a little bit of rot on the areas hidden by the rear notchie clip. …more than i thought. Also seems that someone has done a little “bondo” work on the chassis to cover it up. But they seemed to bondo areas…

  • Rear clip is off

    Rear clip is off

    Well, the rear clip is now off. Glad I went with this option because there are some areas of concern. If you look at one of the pictures, you’ll see some rust at the back end. The guys at Hi-Tech told me that this is…

  • The lonely four banger

    The lonely four banger

    Couple of pics of the four banger. I went up the the shop today to rip off the headers and the holly valve cover. Going to sell it on eBay. Took a couple of pictures of the sub system I have in the Fiero. Nice…

  • Here we go, …the engine comes out!

    Here we go, …the engine comes out!

    Big post! The series of images above are of the fiero engine getting dropped out. I finally get a good look at the 4 banger, and what the engine bay condition is. One of the four bolts was getting stubborn, probably because of rust-weld. So…

  • The Fiero is in the Hi-Tech shop

    The Fiero is in the Hi-Tech shop

    The Fiero is in the Hi-Tech development shop now. Awaiting the make over. List of things that are going to be completed are: 1) Powder-coated Engine Compartment: which involves sand-blasting, epoxy-primer, and rock-guard. 2) Sub-Floor restoration; althought the sub-floor is in great condition, it is…

  • Insurance assessment completed today

    Insurance assessment completed today

    The car went in for an assessment today. My insurance, for some stupid reason, stated that in order for my insurance to continue, I’m required to get an assessment done by an independent insurance firm – apparently it is too “old”. Whatever….. Anyways, these are…

  • Got a new JVC CD deck for the Fiero

    As part of the birthday present to myself, I picked up a JVC deck from Futureshop. Really looks nice, completely black until you turn it on :) Plan to install it in the next week or so, …when I get a chance.

  • I just bought a 1986 Fiero SE!

    I just bought a 1986 Fiero SE!

    What a day! One day after my 21st birthday, I purchased my first Pontiac Fiero. It is a 1986, SE model, with a GT front and the Aero ground effects package. It has 195,000 kms, which seemed bad at first, but the car doesn’t show…